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ステップ日本語 12 2011 December
Page 45
Most Frequently Robbed Japanese Beef Rice Restaurant,

ぎゅうどんチイェーン「すきや」で ごうとうじげんがたはっしています。けいさつちょうのまとめによると、
The Beef Rice Chain Restaurant 'Tea House' was robbed frequently. According to the police,

among 71 robbing cases of beef rice chain restaurants during January to September,

ninety percent, that is, 61 robbing cases happened in the 'Tea House' beef rice chain restaurant.

Two adolescent robbers arrested in Hyogo Prefecture told the police,

"the internet says 'Tea House' is easy to rob."

Another man who robbed Kyoto restaurant said, "The underground bank

which lent me money told me, 'Go robbing Tea House, it's easy and do it!' therefore I listen and do it."

This beef rice restaurant chain has given the public an image of 'It's easy to enter for robbers',

a prototype image being felt.

The police regards the Tea House beef rice restaurant chain to be easy to the robbers, because the Tea House chain "only employs one part time student worker in the night shift,"

"The Cash Register is just by the door," etc.

the police requested the Tea House beef rice restaurant chain to improve the crime prevention activities, and at the same time ordered the national police stations

from the night of October 25th to the morning of 26th,

raided on the Tea House beef rice restaurant chain for these prevention activities checkings.

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
February 25, 2012, Saturday

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Blog Entry 20120216 the psychologist
the psychologist January 2012
Page 12, The mystery of music

...Music is 'fundamental, universal and ubiquitous', Loveday explained. We learn to appreciate music naturally, she said, and relics of bone flutes and other archaeological evidence show its influence through human history. As Tilbrook soothed sore minds with Chopin's 'Fantasie' Impromptu, findings on the health benefits of music flowed onscreen, including its ability to: lower blood pressure; reduce pain in palliative care; improve sleep; alleviate allergies; boost immune functions; and reduce depression.

It's not just humans that are affected by music. Dogs are calmed by classical pieces, Loveday said, and they bark to rock songs. Unpublished research suggests slow music can boost the milk yield of cows. And my favourite,' Loveday said: 'rats subjected to 24-hours of stress-inducing rock music take longer to heal from their wounds.'

But what exactly is music? Essentially, Loveday said, it's our ear-drums vibrating...

David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,
February 16, 2012, Thursday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City 

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International Herald Tribune Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Page 6, Views
Can Germany summon the will to lead?
John Vinocur

Basic questions awaiting a clear answer: As Germany tries out its would-be status as Europe's international heavyweight, what does Angela Merkel have to say about Vladimir Putin's certain victory in what is called a presidential election on March 4?

...Since the veto on Saturday, Guido Westerwelle, the German foreign minister, after saying he regretted and was disappointed by the action(and sounding like a high school guidance counselor scolding a kid for bringing a whoopee cushion into class), has done a wishful-thinking number about somehow returning the issue to the Security Council.

Ms. Merkel hardly leapt at the problem when she met with Nicholas Sarkozy in Paris to discuss the veto's aftermath. Rather, the French president said he would be speaking to the Russian leadership about the "scandal" for the chancellor and himself.

Ultimately, Germany, now supposedly leading Europe, faces the question of how much responsibility it wants to take concerning the world's most jagged political issues. To me, the West seems at a point when a heavy injection of Germany political courage...

David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,
February 9, 2012, Thursday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City


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Psychology Today February 2012 issue

Yesterday, who said that ye be mine ye. Suddenly, it was illustrated the doorway, uptown Manhattan, New York City. We walked the other direction for several blocks. Washington Square, to catch another swear words, "How did these guys always find faults with me? Even I went back there only for a short while?" I did not quite mind that comment, you know. Walking the access to be denied, turned a corner, realized that was the green mile, hearts in Atlantis.

Pity is akin to love. So we need to develop the confidence to voice them, unabashedly. Quite in the opposite, however, I think a nonpracticing attorney would say the "L" word, but he only sued in district court, with all the United Nations tracking record of criminal organization potential target at the victim of former UN Child Abuse Case. We only are with slings and arrows, and that says, they even perceive rejection and failure where it doesn't exist. Turnaround forward ten pages for a picture of reversed map, before 5 ways mind traps redlining red tape, says the best defense is just knowing they exist. I am really engaged in a law court this moment after the Google+ some Psychology Today friend added me to her group.

Before this January 30 which I was summoned to the investigating court that had a criminal libel case subpoena issued by district court prosecutor, although I take it a false charge from the two former FBI agents Mr and Mrs Liao of the Breeze Center owner, I stayed home for all the Chinese New Years holidays reading Dan Brown's novel, The Lost Symbol, which on this Chinese New Year Day I bought it at Taipei 101 Mall PageOne Book Shop where Mr Bill Clinton signed his autobiography My Life in February 2005. I finished the novel with the total five days of Chines New Year holiday. Reading this novel The Lost Symbol, the character Katherine Solomon and her lab reminds me those three months in 1996 New York City before my dropout, which the same question described by the novel asked by the lady answered by me was considered as wrong answer. Deadly traps as it seemed to be, how could I get angry with these stuffs?

by David CK Chang,
SSN:057-86-4042, P.T. Subscribe ID:26--501,
February 8, 2012, Wednesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City


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Blog Entry 20120111 International Herald Tribune
International Herald Tribune Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Page 6, Views
America abroad
Roger Cohen, Globalist, London

Perhaps the most successful U.S. chief executive of the past decade is stepping down this month. Samuel Palmisano of I.B.M. has presided over a remarkable transformation of the technology giant, extracting it from the personal computer business and shifting it toward services and software to power a "Smarter Planet".

In a fascinating interview with my colleague Steve Lohr, Palmisano said the first of the four questions in his guiding business framework was, "Why would someone spend their money with you--so what is unique about you?" At root, business is still about getting money out of your pocket into mine. By being unsentimental in making I.B.M. unique, Palmisano ensured... 

David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,
January 11, 2012, Wednesday,
National Central Library, Taipei City;
(Typing at internet cafe, New Taipei City.)

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Blog Entry 20120110 Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review, January-February 2012 

Page 26
Avoid the Traps That Can Destroy Family Businesses
by George Stalk and Henry Foley

Trap#1 "There's Always a Place For You Here"
...To escape the trap: Insist on proper training and screening. It's natural for a family business to welcome members of the next generation, and it's healthy to expose them to the company at an early age, so that they can make an informed decision about whether to pursue a career there. But a job with the company shouldn't be an entitlement. Those who want to join deserve no special accommodation. We now see an emerging best practice in which families formally require any child who wants a job to (a) earn a university degree, (b) gain several years of relevant professional experience outside the family business, and (c) apply for open positions in competition with nonfamily applicants. At one European firm we know of, family members applying for a job must be at least 26 years old, have earned a master's degree in business or engineering, speak three languages, and have won two promotions within five years at a nonfamily firm. And they are given only one opportunity to apply: If they're turned down, they must go elsewhere...

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
January 10, 2012, Tuesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City


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Bloomberg Businessweek


Blog Entry 20120104 Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg Businessweek, December 26, 2011-January 8, 2012
Page 48
When Frugality Fails, By Peter Coy


...The very human tendency to mix up economics and morality is what makes the Keynesian case for expansionary government policy hard for politicians to defend. From the standpoint of righteousness and clean living, the Germans are way ahead of the Greeks, the Portuguese, the Spaniards, and the Italians. Saving and investing are virtuous for families; it's hard for people to imagine that on the scale of nations, too much frugality can cause problems.


Frugality can backfire, however--and in 2011, it did. Keynes had put his finger on the problem, calling it the "paradox of thrift." One person's spending is another's income, he observed. So when everyone spends less in a recession, incomes fall. The more people try to save, the more the economy slows, and the harder it gets to put money aside.


There's even a related "paradox of toil." It says that when an economy is stuck in a rut, with interest rates at or near zero, cutting wages can backfire. Wage cuts lead to expectations of deflation and cause employment to fall rather than rise, says the person...


DB, SSN057-86-4042,
January 4, 2012, Wednesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City



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Blog Entry 20120104 International Herald Tribune

International Herald Tribune Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Page 6, Views 


A time to turn out

Roger Cohen, Globalist, London

Let's hear it for Volkswagen at the start of 2012. The German automaker has responded to demands from its works council by agreeing to stop the e-mail server to its BlackBerry-using employees a half-hour after their shift ends, only restoring it 30 minutes before work begins the next day.

...Inside those German private lives, I'd wager, couples are experiencing the now near-universal irritation of finding conversations interrupted by a familiar glance toward the little screen, or conversations deadened by the state of near-permanent distraction from their immediate surroundings in which people live. Device-related marital rows must now be running close to back-seat driving and how to raise the kids as the leading cause of domestic discord.

Connectivity aids productivity. It can also be counterproductive by generating that contemporary state of anxiety in which focus on any activity is interrupted by the irresistible urge to check e-mail or texts; whose absence can in turn provoke the compounded anxiety of feeling unloved or unwanted just because the in-box is empty for a nano-second; whose onset can in turn induce the super-aggravated anxiety that is linked to low self-esteem and poor performance...


David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,

January 4, 2011, Wednesday,

National Central Library,

Taipei City



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Blog Entry 20120103 Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉(1), Little Bamboo Basket the Menace

豊臣秀吉 とよとみひでよし, Toyotomi Hideyoshi

北島春信 きたじまはるのぶ, Harunobu Kitajima, 

ポプラ社, Poplar Book 1996.11 published;


わんぱくこざる 腕白小笊, 


Little Bamboo Basket the Menace,

「わあーっ、わあーっ。」と いう こどもたちの かんせいが、

「わあーっ、わあーっ。」と 言う 子供達の 喊声が、


"Waah...Waah," crying out the children's voice,


ひろい  のはら を  わたって  きこえて  きます。

広い 野原を 渡って聞こえて きます。


could be heard from the other side of the wild plain.


この むら の こどもたち は、いくさごっこ の さいちゅう  です。

この村の 子供達は、戦ごっこの 最中です。


In this village, the children were playing children fight game.


ひがし の ほう の こどもたち は、 にし から  せめて きた こどもたち に、

東の方の 子供達は、 西から せめて来た 子供達に、


To the east village children, the west village children at least came here travelling from the west side,


だんだん おされて いきます。

段々 押されて 行きます。


gradually being defeated and ran away.


どうやら せいぐんの ほうが つよいようです。

どうやら 西軍の 方が 強い様です。


For better or worse, the west horde of children looked stronger.


ほらとうぐんは、ぼうのかたなを かついで、

ほら東軍は、坊の刀を 担いで、


Look! The east horde of children, my scimitar came to the shoulder,


どんどん  にげだしました。

どんどん  逃げ出しました。


were continually running away.


せいぐんは、いきおいに  のって、

西軍は、勢いに 乗って、


The west horde of children, took advantage of this situation,





"Waah...Waah." chased after the east horde of children with this battle cry.


いくさごっこ  は、せいぐんの かちに なり、

戦ごっこ  は、西軍の 勝ちに なり、


In the children fight game, the west horde won a victory,


とうぐんは  こうさんするの  ではない か  と  おもわれました。

東軍は 降参するの ではないか と 思われました。


but it was felt that the east horde had not surrendered because acting as host.


その とき です。いっぽん の たかい すぎ の き の てっぺん から、

その時です。一本の高い杉の木の 天辺 から、


It was a thing we had at that time. From the high tree top of sequoia,


どこから そんな こえが でるか と おもう ような、おおきな こえが ひびき わたりました。

何処から そんな 声が 出るか と 思う 様な、大きな 声が 響 渡りました。


thinking of where that sound was coming from, resounded loudly through this place.


DB, SSN057-86-4042,

January 3, 2012


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The Economist  

Blog Entry 20111230 The Economist
The Economist, December 17TH-30TH 2011
Page 102,
Euphemisms, Making murder respectable

...Euphemism is so ingrained in British speech that foreigners, even those who speak fluent English, may miss the signals contained in such bland remarks as "incidentally"(which means, "I am now telling you the purpose of this discussion"); and "with the greatest respect"("You are mistaken and silly"). This sort of code allows the speaker to express anger, contempt or outright disagreement without making the emotional investment needed to do so directly. Some find that cowardly.

Boardroom, bathroom, bedroom
A thematic taxonomy of euphemism should have a category devoted to commerce. Business euphemisms are epitomised by the lexicon of property salesmen. A "bijou" residence is tiny(it may also be "charming", "cosy" or "compact"). A "vibrant" neighbourhood is deafeningly noisy; if it is "up and coming" it is terrifyingly crime-ridden, whereas a "stone's thrown from" means in reach of a powerful catapult. Conversely, "convenient for" means "unpleasantly close to". "Characterful" means the previous owner was mad or squalid. "Scope for renovation" means decrepit; "would suit an enthusiast" means a ruin fit only for a madman.

But the richest categories would centre on cross-cultural taboos... 

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 30, 2011, Friday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City

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Bloomberg Businessweek

Blog Entry 20111228 Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg Businessweek, December 12-18, 2011 
Page 58
European Crisis
When Sovereign Debt Is No Longer Safe

...The deterioration of European sovereign debt is also leading some regulators to question Basel rules that say banks don't need to hold any capital against potential losses on government bonds. Regulators should distinguish between the sovereign debt of countries that have control over their own monetary policy and "subsidiary" sovereign bonds issued by countries in the euro zone, Adair Turner, chairman of the U.K.'s Financial Services Authority, said in a Nov. 21 speech at the Center for Financial Studies in Frankfurt.

   As the European crisis drags on, even governments once considered safe are struggling to attract investors. Germany was unable to sell about 35 percent of the Euro-d$ 6 billion of 10-year bonds it offered on Nov. 23. Meanwhile, the turmoil in Europe has boosted demand for government bonds of countries outside the euro-zone, pushing yields lower. Ten-year U.S. Treasuries yielded about 2.1 percent on Dec. 6 compared with...

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 28, 2011, Wednesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City


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The Economist

Blog Entry 20111227 The Economist

The Economist, December 3RD-9TH 2011 

Page 57, Europe, France and the euro crisis

The rating game, Paris
The perils for Nicholas Sarkozy in trying to preserve a credit rating

...Yet as the crisis deepens, an alarming prospect looms: that France's own status could lapse, and thus its clout at the heart of the euro zone. France is by far the most vulnerable of the zone's six AAA-rated countries. It has the highest level of debt as a share of GDP. Its banks are particularly exposed to the troubled periphery, especially Italy. The spread of French over German bonds recently hit its highest level since the launch of the euro(though it has fallen back a bit), suggesting that traders are already anticipating a downgrading Moody's, a rating agency, has put France's AAA rating under surveillance, with a reassessment due in January. Guillaume Menuet, an economist at Citigroup, expects a negative outlook on French sovereign debt within weeks, followed by a formal downgrade in 2012...

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 27, 2011, Tuesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City


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Blog Entry 20111223 International Herald Tribune
International Herald Tribune Thursday, December 22, 2011

Page 9, Views 

Newt and state, by Maureen Dowd, Washington

...In a shot across the bow to President Obama, who is considering whether to bow to Catholic pressure and to grant an exemption from covering contraception in health plans sponsored by employers who object, Gingrich said he would support "the right of individuals, business and religious institutions that have a conscientious objection to providing or engaging in services that support values they oppose."

...Gingrich was born a Lutheran, became a Southern Baptist at Emory University and converted to Catholicism in 2009. He and Callista, who is a paid singer in the Basilica choir, have made the shrine their stage, becoming stars on the Eternal Word Television Network, which films there.

   The Basilica Bookstore sponsored a book signing for Gingrich's 24th book, "To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine." And the Gingriches produced a documentary last year about John Paul II, celebrating the pope who rejected attempts to liberalize the church.

   For anyone who grew up with relatives who could never get annulments even when their spouses abandoned them after a brief time, it was galling to see Gingrich--who divorced twice to marry younger mistresses, and who left his wives when they were sick--be celebrated at a conversation Mass by Washington's church hierarchy at St. Joseph's on Capitol Hill, where Robert Kennedy attended Mass daily when he served in the Senate... 


David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,

December 23, 2011, Friday,

National Central Library,

Taipei City


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Blog Entry 20111222 International Herald Tribune

International Herald Tribune Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Page 12, Health + Science,

In reporting sex assault, time is of the essence


A step-by-step procedure in seeking medical care, advice and counseling

By Jane E. Brody

Do you know what to do if you or someone close to you becomes the victim of a sexual assault? A survey released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that sexual assaults are far more common than previously believed in the the United States, with nearly one woman in five reporting that she had been the victim of rape or attempted rape.

   Ideally, anyone who has been forced into a sexual act should be seen within 24 hours at a hospital emergency room where a specially trained team of providers offers medical care and counseling, collects high-quality forensic evidence and supports often terrified victims who may--or may not--choose to pursue legal action.

...The goal, then, is to get these criminals off the streets as quickly as possible, which can happen only if good forensic examinations are done and victims decide to file charges.

...It is entirely up to the victim of a sexual assault whether to report it to the police, which can be done weeks or even months after the attack. Even if she thinks at the time that she wants only medical help and time to heal, she might change her mind later. Should that happen, the National Center for the Victims of Crime urges a course of action that best preserve evidence that could lead to apprehension and conviction of the assailant...


David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,

December 22, 2011, Thursday,

National Central Library,

Taipei City



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Blog Entry 20111221 Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review, December 2011

Case Study

Can Nice Guys Finish First? by Jeffrey Pfeffer

Page 133,

..."Merwyn said what?" Sarah asked when Adam told her the story. "That is the most condescending, infantilizing thing I ever heard." She managed to say this with a lilt in her voice and a sparkle in her eye.

   Adam was at a loss for words. How could he begin to explain the depth of his respect and admiration for Merwyn, who was teaching him everything there was to know about the event-planning business--and who constantly sang Adam's praises and promoted his career?

   Adam looked at Kaleeb, who signaled with a nod that he understand completely: Sarah just didn't get it about mentors and protégés.

   "I remember when you introduced me to him," Sarah said, "and he told me all about how you're like a son to him, blah blah blah."

   "Sarah, please," Kaleeb said. "Talk about something else. I'm getting Adam another drink."

   "There's nothing wrong with being treated like a son," Adam said...


DB, SSN057-86-4042,

December 21, 2011, Wednesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City



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Blog Entry 20111220 International Herald Tribune

International Herald Tribune Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Page 13, Views,

The American Hitch, by Roger Cohen, Globalist, London,

   When I moved back to England last year after three decades overseas, the first book I read was Christopher Hitchens's "Blood, Class, and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies." It's a good--and much overlooked--study of the quirks of the special relationship and like most good books it has you from its first sentences:

   "In the United States, it is considered insulting to say of somebody that he or she is 'history'. To be told 'You're history,' is to be condemned as a has-been. I know of no other country that has this everyday dismissal in its idiom. But then I know of no other country that has such a great weakness for things that originate in England--the has-been country par excellence."

   Hitchens is history now in the sense that he is dead and in the sense that he will be debated and analyzed for a long time; no has-been, he. In fact the Hitch phenomenon in the United States, his adopted land, has assumed vast proportions. Somewhere in his "year of living dyingly" he became--rather to the dismay of the English--a figure he might have mocked: an American hero.

   That is an apotheosis deserving of reflection...

David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,
December 20, 2011, Tuesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City

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the psychologist december 2011
Page 888

As Christmas approaches, by Owen Hughes

...Online the blogs, wikis and discussion boards are alive with debate on the ethics, morals and practicalities of the proposal. I'm not intending to argue for the rights and wrongs of either side of the argument, but I'd like to ask why psychologists are so quiet in the debate when they have so much to contribute. As a profession, psychologists place great emphasis on the ethics of what they do and are taught to think through these sorts of conundrums as part of their training. That is even before we consider the profession-specific knowledge regarding the impact of the organ donation process on both the donor's family, the recipient and society at large.

   Wales isn't the first country to enact legislation on presumed consent. Belgium, for instance, has had similar legislation for several years now, and indeed the number of transplants has risen as a result. What is not known is the impact of the changed relationship between doctor and patient. The requirement for informed consent, at least in theory, puts the patient in the driving seat, but what is the impact when the health professional starts to presume they know best?

   Is legislation on a heavy-handed approach to changing people's behavior for society's good? Our prisons are full, despite an ever-growing list of misdemeanors of which the general public can fall foul...

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 20, 2011, Tuesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City

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Step Japanese Magazine 12 2011.jpg  

Blog Entry 20111216 Step Japanese Magazine ステップ日本語
ステップ日本語 12 2011 December
Page 44

日本円、史上最高値を更新, Yen reaches history high,日圓創歷史新高
じゅうがつ さんじゅういちにち のオセアニア がいこく かわせ しじょうで、えん そうばは
On October 31, Oceania Foreign Exchange Market had the Japan Yen's price once reached
いちじ いちドル=ななじゅうご えん さんじゅう にせんを つけ、しじょう さいたかねを こうしんしました。
one US dollar exchanges 75.32 yen. The history new high point.
このため、にほんせいふと にほんぎんこうは とうきょう がいこく かわせ しじょうで、えんを うって
Because of this, the Japan government and banks in Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market
ドルを かう かわせ かいにゅうに ふみきり、いちじ ドル=79えんだいまで かいふくしました。
ドルを買う 為替介入に 踏み切り、一時 ドル=79円台まで 回復しました。
intervene the Yen's price, discarding Japan Yen and buy in US dollar to adjust exchange rate. The market exchange rate of dollar once was back to 1:79 yen.
あずみじゅん ざいむだいじんは きしゃかいけんで、いまの えんだかは にほんの じったいけいざいを
安住淳財務大臣は記者会見で、今の円高は 日本の 実態経済を
The Finance Minister Ann in press conference said that the yen's price raise
はんえいしたもの ではなく とうきてきな うごきの けっかだと のべ、「なっとくが いくまで
反映したもの ではなく 投機的な 動きの 結果だと 述べ、「納得が いくまで
did not reflect real economic activity but results of speculation and emphasized
かいにゅうを つづける」と きょうちょうしました。しかし、この えんだかは おうべいなど
介入を 続ける」と 強調しました。しかし、この 円高は 欧米など
"would intervene the exchange rate back to a reasonable Yen's price." However, this time Yen raise
かいがいの けいざいふあんが おもな よういんで あることから、かいにゅうの こうかは
海外の 経済不安が 主な 要因で あることから、介入の 効果は
because the US and Europe foreign economic environment are not stable. The intervene results are not as expected upon yen's price.
げんていてきで、これからも たかねが つづくと みる  しじょう かんけいしゃが すくなくありません。
限定的で、これからも 高値が 続くと 見る  市場 関係者が 少なくありません。
And we can see those who are expecting Yen's price to keep rising in the foreign exchange market are not only a few.
でんき、じどうしゃなどの しゅよう きぎょう では、りえき よそうを かほう しゅうせいする
電機、自動車などの 主要企業 では、利益予想を 下方修正する
The electronics appliance, automobile major manufacturers, one by one adjusted accounting profit forecast of their companies.
れいが あいつぎました。これまで おおくの きぎょうが いちドル=はちじゅう えんだいを
例が 相次ぎました。これまで 多くの企業が 1ドル=80円台を
Previously foreign exchange cost was set at 1:80 Yen for many Japan enterprises
ぜんてい として しゅうえきの けいかくを たてていましたが、こんご ななじゅう えんだいが
前提 として 収益の計画を 立てていましたが、今後 70 円台が
to keep accounting annual profit forecast report. If the foreign exchange cost changes to 1:70 yen,
ていちゃく した ばあい、りえきが おおはばに げんしょう することに なります。
定着した 場合、利益が 大幅に 減少することに なります。
the severe business environment would cut the profit from revenue hugely.
また ゆしゅつさんぎょうが かいがいへ でていき「にほんのさんぎょうの
また 輸出産業が 海外へ 出て行き「日本の産業の
Furthermore, the industry with export as main business would keep moving overseas,
くうどうか」が すすむ ことも しんぱい されています。
空洞化」が 進むことも 心配されています。
"Japan Industry Hollowing-out" progressing is also a worrisome situation.
DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 16, 2011, Friday

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Blog Entry 20111214 International Herald Tribune

International Herald Tribune Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Page 18
Business with Reuters, Technology Communications

Nothing is private when it's all on Facebook

by Nick Bilton,
San Francisco

   As much as it pains me to say this: privacy is on its deathbed.
   I came to this sad realization recently when a stranger began leaving comments on photos I had uploaded to Instagram, the photo-sharing app for the iPhone.
   After several comments--all of which were nice--I began wondering who this person was. Now the catch here is that she had used only a first name on her Instagram profile. You would think a first name online is enough to conceal your identity.

   Trust me, it is not.

   So I set out, innocently and curiously, to figure who she was.
   I knew this person lived in San Francisco, from her own photos. At first I tried Google, but a first name and city were not enough to narrow it down. Then I went to her photos and looked for people whom she had responded to in the comments.
   Eventually I found a conversation with someone clearly her friend. I easily found that person's full name, went to the person's Facebook friend list and searched for my commenter's first name.

   There it was: a full name. With that, I searched Google and before I knew it, I had this person's phone number, home address and place of employment.
   Creepy, right? I even had a link to a running app that she used that showed the path of her morning run. This took all of 10 minutes.
   Nearly everyone has done something like this. Often, you do not even need a first name to find someone. Google, after all, has a feature that allows people to search with an actual image. No words or names required.

..."Our order only provides protection going forward," she said. "The only real option to protect information going backwards would be to delete your Facebook account."
   Now which one of us is going to do that?

David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,
December 14, 2011, Wednesday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City


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Step Japanese Magazine 12 2011.jpg  

Blog Entry 20111213 Step Japanese Magazine ステップ日本語

ステップ日本語 12 2011 December

Page 76
ちょうえんだか, 超円高, 日元升值過高, Japanese Yen Overvalued
by 瀬尾理生 せおりお

えんだかが とまらない。にせんななねん から にせんはちねんごろ には  ひゃくにしゅうえん ぜんご だった
Japanese Yen increases value relentlessly. In 2007 and 2008 the exchange rate of Yen to the US dollar

US ドルは、にせんきゅうねん には ひゃくえん から きゅうじゅうえんに ねをさげ、じゅうねんには
USドルは、09年には 100円 から 90円に 値を下げ、10年には
was 1:120 yen. In 2009 the US dollar dropped to 1:100 yen, then to 1:90 yen.

きゅうじゅうえん ぜんごとなった。そのごも アメリカの けいざいふあんを はいけいに
90円 前後となった。その後も アメリカの 経済不安を 背景に
In 2010 the rating was 1:90 yen. Then the US financial crisis was making the dollar falling relentlessly.

ドルは どんどん ねをさげ、じゅういちねん にはいって はちじゅうえんだいに げらく。
ドルは どんどん 値を下げ、11年 に入って 80円台に 下落。
Up to 2011 the rating is down to 1:80 yen.

じゅうがつなかば からは ななじゅうごえんだいと、えんがドルに たいして
10月半ば からは 75円台と、円がドルに 対して
Since this October 15, the exchange rate Yen to USD broke the history record after the World War II to reach 1:75 yen.

せんご さいたかねを こうしんした。ユーロ(euro)も どうよう。はっそくのせんきゅうひゃくきゅうじゅうきゅうねん
戦後最高値を更新した。ユーロ(euro)も 同様。発足の1999年
The foreign exchange market of Euro dollar was similar. Since 1999 the EU issued the Euro dollar, 

いこうじゅんちょうに すいいしていた ユーロは にせんはちねん しちがつに
以降順調に 推移していた ユーロは 2008年7月に
exchange rate was quite stable and smooth. In July 2008 the exchange rate highest record of 1:170 yen,

ひゃくななじゅうえんという たかねを きろく していたが、そのごのリーマンショックで
but later Wall Street company Lehman & Brothers caused financial crisis made the EU

きゅうらく。にせんきゅうねんあきのギリシャの けいざいはたんを はじめ、
急落。09年秋のギリシャの経済破綻を はじめ、
to devalue the Euro-dollar. The 2009 autumn was the bankruptcy of Greece.

アイルランド、ポルトガルなど けいざい ふあんを かかえるくにが ぞくしゅつしていることで
アイルランド、ポルトガルなど 経済不安を 抱える国が 続出していることで
Ireland and Portugal, etc., which countries are with economy no so stable

どんどん ねをさげ、じゅういちねん じゅうがつには いちユーロ
どんどん 値を下げ、11年10月には 1ユーロ
all made the Euro-dollar devalue relentlessly. In October 2011 the exchange rate 

ひゃくごえんだいに までなっている。
105円台に までなっている。
of Euro dollar even devalued to 1:105 yen.

このちょうえんだかは にほん けいざいに ふあんを もたらしている。ゆにゅうや
この超円高は 日本経済に 不安を もたらしている。輸入や
Such overvalued yen is bringing disturbance to Japanese economy. Although the import goods

かいがくりょこう などが やすくなる という メリット はあるものの、ぜんたいてきには、
海外旅行 などが 安くなる という メリット はあるものの、全体的には、
and foreign travel are cheaper to be a merit, as to the

ゆしゅつが しゅようさんぎょう である にほんにとっては やはり、えんだかは
輸出が 主要産業 である 日本にとっては やはり、円高は
export-oriented Japanese industrial structure the Yen increasing value is still quite confusing.

For example, top Japanese automobile manufacturer Toyota company would have profit loss

いちえん すすむ ことに よって さんびゃくごじゅう おくえんの りえきが うしなわれるという。
1円 進む ことに よって350 億円の 利益が 失われるという。
of 35 billion yens if the exchange rate increases one yen. 

ことしは ひがしにはんだいしんさいで ダメージを うけた にほんのさんぎょうかいは、
今年は東日本大震災で ダメージを 受けた日本の産業界は、
This year Japanese industry was damaged by the Northeast Earthquake,

こうはんに なって タイの こうずいに より ぶひんこうじょう などが ひがいを うけ、
後半に なって タイの 洪水に より 部品工場 などが 被害を 受け、
It caused more part manufacturing fab disaster than later this year Thai's flood.

えんだかに くわえた にじゅう さんじゅうの くるしみとなっている。しゃかいてきにも
円高に 加えた 二重 三重の 苦しみとなっている。社会的にも
Plus the overvalued yen, doubled the grinding trouble.(Blind, deaf, dumb are three kind of pains deprived of humanity.)

だいしんさいと げんぱつじこで きゅうげんしている がいこくじんかんこうきゃくや
大震災と 原発事故で 急減している 外国人観光客や
At first tourists and international students decreased sharply by the 

りゅうがくせいが、このえんだかで さらに へってしまっているという じったいがある。
留学生が、この円高で さらに 減ってしまっているという 実態がある。
Northeast Earthquake and nuclear plant disaster, the overvalued yen makes the numbers even less. 

だが、アメリカ けいざいも ヨーロッパ けいざいも すぐには こうてんし そうな
だが、アメリカ経済もーロッパ経済もすぐには 好転し そうな
However, the most popular opinion is that because of the material shortage which is leading to 

ざいりょうが ない いま、このちょうえんだかは とうぶん
材料が ない いま、この超円高は 当分
the US and EU economy could not turn better in the near future, the increasing of

つづく だろう という みかたが あっとうてきだ。
続く だるう という 見方が 圧倒的だ。
exchange rate of yen would keep rising.

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 13, 2011, Tuesday

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