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Blog Entry 20111209 Step Japanese Magazine ステップ日本語

ステップ日本語 12 2011 December

Page 79
びまじょ, 美魔女, Beautiful Witch,(3)
by 瀬尾理生 せおりお

たしかに じょせいでも だんせいでも としを とれば とるほど 「ふけてみられる」よりは
True. No matter men or women would prefer "looks younger" to "looks elder"

「わかくみられる」ほうが うれしい ものだ。だが、としを とることや じっさいの
when they are getting old. However, denying ageing or real age are of no good.

ねんれいを ひていし、わかくみられること だけに  こだわることが。はたして
年齢を否定し、若く見られることだけに こだわるこたが。果たして
Because if you looks younger, you would face more hinders. Provided that this was true,

ほんとうに しあわせな こと  なのか。とし そうおうの うつくしさを たもつこと、としを かさねることで
本当に幸せなこと なのか。年相応の美しさを保つこと、年を重ねることで
how fortunate!(the Seventh). Keeping beauty with age, adding up two ages, from inside bursting out tears

ないめん から  にじみ でてくる  うつくしさのほうが じゅうよう ではないか、という いけんも おおい。
内面から にじみ出てくる 美しさの ほう が 重要 では ないか、という 意見も多い。
setting off beautiful face. Whether inside is more important for beauty, lots of meanings and opinions were heard.

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 9, 2011, Friday

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Blog Entry 20111209 the psychologist

the psychologist october 2011
Page 810
French lessons, by Lucy Maddox

I was in France recently, to climb up a mountain, and on the way back I was transfixed in the airport shop by the amount of psychology-related magazines that had there. Psychology seems to be voraciously consumed in the French media, for reasons I'm not clear on(although perhaps I'll convince The Psychologist to fund an exploratory trip to find out.)

Psychologies magazine organized in France but has spread its reach across La Manche. I spoke to Rebecca Alexander, Dossier Editor. She told me about several psychotherapist and psychologist contributors in this month's edition. 'This issue has articles from Lucy Beresford, a psychotherapist who does a dilemma page every month. The idea is people write to someone actually qualified with a difficult problem. We also have Ros Taylor, clinical psychologist, writing about finding your inner leader, and Dominique Picard, professor of social psychology in Paris, writing about daring to have difficult conversations.' Rebecca Alexander thought that psychologists brought unique skills to the magazine. 'Readers appreciate hearing direct from the experts. There is generally a real interest in what psychologists have to say...There is so much comment available, on Twitter for example, which is not really informed. Readers like psychologists because they are experts in their area and may have been studying it for 10 to 15 years.'...

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 9, 2011, Friday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City

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Psychology Today November 2011 issue

I had found that Mr Donald Trump built up a new apartment bearing his name on the building in the neighborhood of student dormitory of the National Taipei University at Taipei City. Would it be just a day in paradise or something red or blue that was forgotten? No matter. At least it was understood after you understand and then getting forward. I am single but having no boy or girl by my side. How would I find that if he was that guy show up in the Taipei 101 Mall and the PageOne bookstore only years ago? I don't know.

The chance is that, the 7-year-old has the 2-year-old as her younger sister, who was waiting far away from New York in her house in 1996 and saying hello and wink welcome to me, or maybe she was sitting on it of a welcome doormat. I think that surely they should have the same memory, you know. Umm, maybe the new memory years later in 2000 when Maria her sister got some dark call and order, or only out of her own embarrassment, to commit a suicide left the Far East island. The younger sister might have another account of same memory. But beside the sex of a baby, you all still had not told me that you have the course and a child. Is that a tough stuff or was to enforce the law? Actually, I don't know, you know. Until the magazine of this November arrived at my hand a week ago before thanksgiving.

I am studying Japanese these days and has finished a Ladder Japanese language Magazine essay in 2004 May issue, which was one essay of author Ms Kakuta Mitsuyo from some Japan famous newspaper. The essay "Words" was quite interesting and I found that some details in 1996 New York camp operation when my grandmother Wang-Me Chang died of medical gross negligence in Taipei Veteran General Hospital on August 9 Taipei Time was hinted. There was a Japanese girl with a complaint dialogue there 1996 in New York City. What a coincidence!

by David CK Chang,
SSN:057-86-4042, P.T. Subscribe ID:26--501, 
December 2, 2011, Friday, 
National Central Library, 
Taipei City

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ステップ日本語 12 2011 December

Page 79
びまじょ, 美魔女, Beautiful Witch,(2)
by 瀬尾理生 せおりお

こうした「びまじょ」たちが わかさ と うつくしさを たもつ ための ほうほうは、
The method that these "Beautiful Witch" keeping young and beautiful includes eating

natural food, various supplement, using expensive cosmetics, go to beauty shop,

ヨガや ジョギング などだ。こそだては いちだんらくし、けいざいてき にも
doing yoga and jogging. Their children has already grown up and their income

よゆうが あるから、じかんも おかねも びへのどりょく に ついやせる という わけだ。
is affluent to afford the time and money to beautify themselves.

げいのうかい での「びまじょの だいひょうは なんといっても まつだせいこ だろう。
The most famous "Beautiful Witch" of Japanese celebrity could be Seiko Matsuda

らいねん ごじゅうさいを むかえる かのじょだが、そのようしは
Next year she will become 50 years old, but she almost looks

かのじょの にじゅうごさいの むすめ とほとんど かわらない。
the same as her 25 years old daughter, so young and so beautiful.

つづく... 待續... To be continued...

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 8, 2011, Thursday


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Blog Entry 20111208 International Herald Tribune

International Herald Tribune, Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Page 18
Business with Reuters
Finance Companies
Few options for Yahoo, and none great
Window on Wall Street
Steven M. Davidoff
New York

Yahoo shareholders should brace themselves again for disappointment. While the board is seeking a deal for the company, Yahoo faces limited options--all with significant downsides and risks.

The cleanest transaction would be for the Yahoo board to sell the company outright in an auction. This, in theory, would give downtrodden shareholders a premium return--one that they have been hungering for since the Yahoo board turned down Microsoft's offer to buy Yahoo at $31 a share in 2008. A full sale would also relieve the Yahoo board of the task of rebuilding the Yahoo business and hiring a new chief executive.

Unfortunately, the Yahoo board has apparently refused to solicit bids for a sale. The company has not said why, but the most likely reason is that with the business in the state it is in, Yahoo is unlikely to get a price as high as Microsoft offered four years ago.(Yahoo shares closed Monday at $15.89.)...

DB, SSN057-86-4042,
December 8, 2011, Thursday,
National Central Library,
Taipei City

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Step Japanese Magazine 12 2011.jpg  

ステップ日本語 12 2011 December
びまじょ, 美魔女, Beautiful Witch, 
by 瀬尾理生 せおりお
40代なのに 20代にしか見えない、など、実際の年齢
Although being forty-something, looks only twenty-something, even more beautiful
よりとおさい、はたちさいも わかく うつくしく みえるじょせいをさすことば。
and younger than ten or twenty years junior. "Beautiful Witch" is referred to women who have such characteristics.
This word "Beautiful Witch" was created by a female magazine "Beauty ST" targeted at readers of 40-something.
When the editors was selecting pictures, etc. from magazine's readers, the editors felt
わかさや うつくしくを たもっているとしかおもえない、とかんじたことから
that these readers could not be so beautiful and young unless they had used magic.
Therefore, the editors coined this word "Beautiful Witch" for them. There were television
「びまじょ コンテスト」としょうして、しゅつじょうしゃのじっさいのねんれいを
programs held events called "Beautiful Witch Contest," which contest was
あてさせるもよおしを している ものが ある。
making the audience to guess the age of the "Beautiful Witch" performers.
つづく... 待續...  To be continued...
DB, SSN057-86-4042, 
December 7, 2011, Wednesday

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