My Life, William Jefferson Clinton 2004, Alfred A. Knopf, Random House, Inc.
5. Page 334, Ch24
“In 1987, I might have made a decision rooted in self-confidence and driven by ambition, but I didn’t. What finally decided the question for me was the one part of my life politics couldn’t reach: Chelsea. Carl Wagner, who was also the father of an only daughter, told me I’d have to reconcile...
’...long time ago I made a promise to myself that if I was ever lucky enough to have a child, she would never grow up wondering who her father was.’”
Note 5:
This paragraph was with Bill’s words which echoed with my heart for when I was in my high school age, the same thinking was ever coming to my mind. But we could ponder on what Bill said in that “if I was ever lucky enough to have a child,” what Bill was trying to say to us.
6. Page 335, Ch24
“In July, Hillary, Chelsea, and I went to the summer governors’ conference in Traverse City, Michigan, to wrap up my year as chairman. I was succeeded by New Hampshire governor John Sununu, who promised to continue our work for welfare reform, and with whom I had a good relationship. After we adjourned, the Democratic governors went to Mackinaw Island, where Governor Jim Blanchard brought us together to meet with all our presidential candidates, including Senator Al Gore, Senator Paul Simon, Senator Joe Biden, Congressman Dick Gephardt, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, former governor Bruce Babbitt of Arizona, and Governor Mike Dukakis. I thought we had a good field, but I favored Dukakis...He was governing as a ‘New Democrat,’ and he knew what it was like to lose an election to negative attacks and make a successful comeback. Even though most Americans thought of Massachusetts as a liberal state, I believed we could sell him because he was a successful governor and could avoid the errors that had sunk us in previous elections. Besides, we were friends...”
Note 6:
In this paragraph mentioned Senator Joe Biden to be presidential candidate whom Hillary, Chelsea and Bill met at Mackinaw Island after the wrap up as chairman with the meeting adjourned. In Nigel Hamilton’s 2003 biography, “Bill Clinton, An American Journey, Great Expectation,” Betsey Wright was assigned the chairman of the Northern democratic association, before she became the White House Chief of Staffs. And that sounds interesting when we ponder this passage, “ a liberal state, I believe we could sell him because he was a successful governor...Besides, we were friends.”
7. Page 336, Ch24
“I appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press along with Bill Bennett, who had succeeded Terrel Bell as President Reagan’s secretary of education...he had once inscribed a book to me with the words “To Bill Clinton, the Democrat who makes sense,” he apparently came to believe that either he had been wrong or I had lost whatever sense I had when he wrote those words.
Around the time of the Meet the Press interview, Senator Joe Biden, the chairman of the judiciary committee, asked me to testify against Judge Robert Bork, who had been nominated to the US Supreme Court by President Reagan.”
Note 7:
We could see that Bill, that is, Mr Clinton, as the author of his own autobiography, using his original name, William Jefferson Clinton, as the name of the copyright author. We could think about what the words implied that when secretary of education Bill Bennett sent the words to presidential candidate Bill by the inscription in book, “To Bill Clinton, the Democrat who makes sense.”
The US Judicial Power is supposed to make judgement without any intervention. The judiciary committee sounds like officials of magistrates, and the chairman of the judiciary committee seemed to be the chief magistrate. When Bill said that Senator Joe Biden “asked me to testify against Judge Robert Bork,” Bill was subordinate to Mr Joe Biden. When Bill met me in November 1990, he told me that he was used to be an “Attorney General,” and the legitimate power to order Bill to testify against a judge would be coming from the gubernatorial line authority.
8. Page 356, Ch 25
“Looking back on it, I can see how the statement looked ambivalent and a touchy arrogant, but it was an honest expression of how I felt, as I began the first campaign since 1982 that I could lost. I got a break soon afterward, when Jim Guy Tucker decided to withdraw from the race and run for lieutenant governor instead, saying a divisive primary would only increase the chances of a Republican victory in the fall, no matter who won. Jim Guy had made a judgement that he could win the lieutenant government’s race easily, then become governor in four years.
Note 8:
As far as I know, when I was in CUNY Baruch 1996 summer, Mr Jerry Brown was the one succeeded the Arkansas Governor at that time and was editing his Arkansas Gazette, which there had a discussion in 1996 with the White House staffs. Mr Jim Guy Tucker, during this period before 1996, was running for the lieutenant governor. He was the lieutenant governor to Bill in the Arkansas government.
9. Page 384, Ch 26
“February 4 issue of Star, in which Gennifer Flowers said she had carried on a twelve-year affair with me...
A year earlier, Flowers’s lawyer had written a letter to a Little Rock radio station threatening a libel suit...
Flowers, whom I’d known since 1977 and had recently helped get a state job, had called me to complain that the media were harassing her even at the place she was singing at night...
The media, to their credit, exposed Flowers’s false claims about her education and work history...”
Note 9:
When 1990 November Bill met me at HsinChu City, there was a girl ten years elder than me, living at Tainan and commuted between Tainan and Taipei. Bill hadn’t met her for some years, Bill(Robert Clinton) told me he was married and had a daughter during the three-hour lunch. If it was from 1989 to 1990, there would be almost two years during which period without any possibilities that they could have any affairs between each other.
Bill told me on November 1, 1990 in a three hours lunch, that he had a brother alike companion died for some reasons Bill could hardly to explain clearly. According to the description in Nigel Hamilton’s 2003 biography, “Bill Clinton, An American Journey, Great Expectation,” Bill’s young companion was with him coming to the Arkansas governor’s Mansion, where Bill first met Flowers and her high school companion in 1977. Bill’s companion, a college graduated and President Nixon’s recruit, died there. That girl on November 1, 1990 was living at Tainan commute between Tainan and Taipei. She graduated from Chinese Culture University in 1994, had an MBA degree in 1996 from the same university. In 1998 she earned a psychology Master degree from University of Texas. Several years later, she got her Ph.d degree in psychology from University of Arkansas. Nigel Hamilton in 2003 biography, “Bill Clinton, An American Journey, Great Expectation,” had a comparison between her and Hillary, both of Republican daughters, both of feminists, both of blonde, but with a little difference that one embraced the alien(extraterrestrial) while the other rejected it as an “experience not comfortable rather than extramarital experience.”
9-1, Page 384, Ch 26
“Her name had been on the list of five women Larry Nichols alleged I had affairs with during the 1990 governor’s race. At the time, she had strongly denied it.”
Note 9-1:
After November 1, 1990, Bill was coming back to Taiwan again and stayed for several months. Bill rented a room near the library in Taipei County and looked up the archive newspapers for materials of surrogate pregnancy. Before 1980 governor Frank White’s wife died in an accident, she seemed to give birth to a child which was not her own, that is, a surrogate pregnancy.
9-2, Page 384, Ch 26
“The press reported that Flowers had been paid for the story, and that she had vigorously denied an affair a year earlier.”
Note 9-2:
After a letter was sent to a radio station, Little Rock or Florida, the radio station staffs seemed to be familiar with some magazine reporters, had that letter released with the Star magazine February 4 issue. The Star paid Gennifer Flowers for that report in the Star February 4 issue, but had not told Gennifer Flowers that the report was connected with the letter Gennifer Flowers or her lawyer sent to the radio station, which the radio station gave them for legal purpose.
9-3, Page 385, Ch 26
“I was dropping in the New Hampshire polls, and Hillary and I decided we should accept an invitation from the CBS program 60 Minutes to answer questions about the charges and the state of our marriage...
We taped the program at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston on Sunday morning, January 26, for showing later that night, after the Super Bowl. We talked to the interviewer, Steve Kroft, for over an hour. He began by asking if Flowers’s story was true. When I said it wasn’t, he asked if I had had any affairs. Perhaps I should have used Rosalynn Carter’s brilliant response to a similar question in 1976: “If I had, I wouldn’t tell you.” Since I wasn’t as blameless as Mrs. Carter, I decided not to be cute. Instead, I said that I had already acknowledged causing pain in my marriage, that I had already said more about the subject than any other politician ever had and would say no more, and that the American people understand what I meant.”
Note 9-3:
The Star testified that they had paid Gennifer Flowers for the report of Star February 4 issue that Gennifer Flowers said she had carried on a twelve-year affair with me[Bill], which should mean Gennifer Flowers agreed and recognized with the statement as she received the payment. [9-2] “...and that she had vigorously denied an affair...”
When Bill was asked by CBS program 60 Minutes that if Flowers’s story was true, Bill answered that it wasn’t. This could be justified because the testimony Gennier Flowers made, “she had twelve year affair with Bill” and “she had vigorously denied an affair,” conflicted with each other. Bill did not want to answer the further question from the CBS 60 Minutes that if he had any affairs.
9-4, Page 387, Ch 26
“Ironically, almost exactly six years after my January 1992 appearance on 60 Minutes, I had to give a deposition in the Paula Jones case, and I was asked questions about Gennifer Flowers. I acknowledged that, back in the 1970s, I had had a relationship with her that I should not have had...But I was under oath, and of course, if I hadn’t done anything wrong, I couldn’t have been embarrassed. My critics leapt on it. Ironically, even though they were sure the rest of the deposition was untruthful, this one answer they accepted as fact. The fact is, there was no twelve-year affair. Gennifer Flowers still has a suit against James Carville and Hillary for allegedly slandering her. I don’t wish her ill, but now that I am not President anymore, I do wish she’d let them be.”
Note 9-4:
Bill acknowledged that in the 1970s having “a relationship with Gennifer Flowers that Bill should not have had.” That is to say, under oath, Bill admitted a relationship which was previously supposed not to exist. What Bill meant by “there was no twelve-year affair,” firstly Bill said that he did not want to wish Gennifer Flowers ill, he was saying that he was trying to help Gennifer Flowers with her troubled lawsuits by clarifying her conflicted testimony in this statement. Secondly, early in 1977 or 1978 Bill’s first inauguration as the Arkansas governor, neither Bill was called Governor Bill, nor Governor Frank White’s daughter to accompany him in the inauguration would be called Gennifer Flowers. Therefore, there was no twelve-year affair between Bill and Gennifer Flowers, as Bill said under oath.
David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,
April 21, 2013,
National Central Library,
Taipei City