

June 13, 2011, Monday, Sunny


In May the prospective French President candidate, the I.M.F. chairman Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn had a scandal at Sofitel(Sofia Hotel) at Manhattan. I especially remembered this hotel because I had bought an emerald bangle for my mother as a present at the Sophia boutique in Shin-Kwang Sun-Yue Department Store at Taipei City, before I went to New York City for business graduate school studies in 1996 summer.

(When I was at New York City,) my cousin Ms. Ivy Chang called me to her United Airline Manhattan lodge, which was called "Sofitel, Sophia Hotel". That's all. The date was before August 2, 1996, which was the CUNY Baruch college school opening day, (and before my grandmother Mrs. Wang-me Chang died on August 9 for medical gross negligence at Taipei) that the USA First Lady Mrs. Hillary Clinton addressed a speech to the students, except that all the classmates including Ms. Shiaw Hong from China were absent. The White House and the First Lady seemed to concern about the China students' absence linking to USA diplomatic issue with China. Mr. Paris Mayor Nicolas Sarkozy with his son (of Baruch College freshman)were there, too.   

D.B. SSN057-86-4042,

Typed by DB in National Central Library, on June 14, 2011

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