
Deception Point.jpg  

Marjorie Tench was senior advisor of President Zach Herney.

She had a meeting with Senator Sedgewick Sexton prior CNN production,

six miles away from President Zach Herney's television watching.

Senior advisor Ms. Tench speaks with Senator Mr. S. Sexton with NASA budget cut.

Ms. Tench argued that the administration had benefited from NASA special task and mentioned high-tech job loss and the SETI program against him.

 Mr. Sexton persuaded the budget cut with job loss of no consequence contrast with American blue collar workers, and explained with pride to SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, was absymal money pit ever.

SETI, abbreviated from above instead of Satellites of Earth Topology Investigation.

"...if other governmental agency with $45 billion spent over 35 years had not produced a single result, they would have been axed a long time ago."

"The extraterrestrial life can not exist."

Ms. Tench asked Senator Mr. Sexton what if he would be wrong.

Mr. Sexton said, "I'll eat my hat." 

Ms. Tench satisfied with this answer.

This was prior CNN production meeting.

(PS. this novel content of Dan Brown's Deception Point, ever appeared on the management textbook, Organizational Behavior Observer of 1996 City University of New York Baruch Business Graduate program, before DB dropped out the program on October 22, 1996.)


DB, SSN057864042,

June 9, 2011, 

National Central Library, 

Taipei City



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