

Newsweek, April 9, 2012
Page 36 

Voyage of The Damned
All walks of life teemed aboard the RMS Titanic--from dollar dukes to striving immigrants. Little did they know how they would be betrayed.
By Simon Schama

The broken halves of RMS Titanic had barely settled on the ocean floor, 12,600 feet below the surface of the Atlantic, when the craving to see it at the movies began.

The one-reeler Saved From the Titanic, made by Éclair American Co. at its super-modern, glass-covered Fort Lee studio in New Jersey, was released 29 days after the liner sank and took 1,517 lives with it. In one respect at least, the 10-minute movie will never be bettered for authenticity, since its main attraction, the heavy-lidded, cushion-lipped, 22-year-old Dorothy Gibson-star of Revenge of the Silk Masks and It Pays to Be Kind, and cover girl of countless magazines--was a survivor from Lifeboat 7. Starting work a few days after landing back in New York off the rescue ship RMS Carpathia, Dorothy had only to play herself, which she apparently did with frightening aplomb...And you thought Kate Winslet was interesting? Silly you...

David CK Chang, SSN057-86-4042,
April 10, 2012,
New Taipei City Library,
Panchiao, New Taipei City

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