

“Have your taxi waiting, (almost) close my door. Close your game, cause I feel better…” That was when the bonus track chanted English singerDido. Not diddle or dildo. Dido from the CD cover she looked a little like the actress Meg Ryan in the movie You’ve Got Mail with her song Thank You in the MTV. But this album was Life For Rent, and the yellow cab waiting outside the local Citibankbranch before it was shutting down. I had a paycheck deposited into my Citibank account which was still active on that day, July 29, 2004, that I carried it back from the Taipei City ZooMcDonald’s with two malicious Toyota dealer members negotiated earlier in the morning until afternoon. One could be dealership owner and the other a rich family offspring saleswoman, they had been involved with the fraud before the deal on November 2, 2002 and failed to notify me thatToyota would buy back Toyota car with window heat insulation defect in Toyota advertisement before the car was brought back. That Toyota car had many problems, though I had bought it fromthe Toyota company with government goods tax official receipt, and had been regularly driving the car to the local Toyota automobile maintenance plant to care the new car, as my university classmate Mr. Yang suggested in August 1996 when he was driving his Volkswagen with us on the interstate of R.I. as a freshman of the Brown University.

And the New York Times said that the son of their chief executive officer Mr. W , addressed as a lawyer of the Citibank headquarter, got shot dead in the New York Citibank office, in the online edition and later in the printed edition. I heard that later in their Citibank New York office Mr. W’s son was still there, but seemed to hold an MBA degree. My university classmate Mr Liu with the local Citibank’s legal affairs apartment secretary Ms. Sue engaged was there when the Chief Executive Officer’s son got shot dead on scene, just after they were arguing for something. That son of Mr. W had a law degree, though. My classmate Mr Liu at the time had a New York Timessubscription in that agency alike shared Citibank office, and with Ms. Sue from local Citibank he got a bargain with some officer for the US immigrant affairs to cover their misdeed of cheating on my social security number and 1996 applied green card. That sounded like a perfect deal, though Ms. Sue of Citibank secretary got a detention earlier this year for unknown reasons. They seemed to be waiting for the local law court’s decision to put me into the psycho-asylum by currently entangled libel law suit, by no means of any ethical concerns.

D.B., August 9, 2013

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