

1. International Herald Tribune, March 11, 2013,

Maureen Dawd in March 9 wrote in the New York Times column, which was appearing on yesterday's IHT column, "As Time Goes Bye," describing how she started her career firstly in Time, now a Time Warner company 'as The New York Post’s Keith Kelly put it, “untethered from the Time Warner mother ship”'.

The title "As Time Goes Bye" made me think the lyric of Hooligans album, but that album was ever notified to be a duplicate UK band, and I haven't put that information on the internet before. That was a UK made without doubt, and not cheap, a NTD$400 thirty minutes compact disk of a creative band, with electronic background music playing with single words and paragraph of flotsam and jettison style vocal performing. It was said in the album that they perform this album to imitate the Rap style pop music.

But I did not understand in Mareen Dawd's column about "Salt" and "Salt II". "Salt on table"?

2. Harvard Business Review, March 2013,

Editor Adi Ignatius in the opening article "From the editor: Advertising is an art -- and a science" introduced Julia Kirby's article, which was on page 86.

Julia Kirby wrote on page 86, HBR March 2013, "Creative that cracks the code", depicting how she find that in the advertising website, she saw mortgage and weight loss ads, but failed to see the came-off of the drawing board great art directors. I see the illustrated picture there was a raccoon picked up a green snake. Terrible feeling.

DB, SSN057-86-4042
March 12, 2013,
National Central Library,
Taipei City


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