I have ever engaged with a girl seriously to talk about marriage but only lasted for nine months that she decided to part with me. That was after dropped out from my graduate study 1996 in New York City. My ex-girlfriend at that time was also at New York City too. We had known each other for only several months. We were not seriously engaged with each other until 1998 January. She was suggesting at New York City that a girl like Mississippi high school rose queen was better to be girlfriend than the blonde, blue eyes elder girl from the suburban New York State. “If it were for me, I would select that Mississippi high rose queen to engage with,” some words like that said in public at the New York City. After I had dropped out from the CUNY Baruch on October 23, 1996, we spent that 1996 Christmas Eve for dinner and my ex-girlfriend seemed very happy with me and thanked me for the Christmas dinner. She knew that I was hospitalized previously for the energy harassment in the New York City, while she also made a lot of friends in the New York City including several of my classmates. In March 1997 she changed her mind and planned to leave me, when I had told her that I had difficulty in finding jobs after dropout. But in 1997 December after I asked my classmate to introduce me to his company for an engineering job, I begged her, my ex-girlfriend, to be with me, saying that if she were to leave I would be only myself without anything, for I was dropout from the New York City University. She hesitated but accepted my begging words. I used the new company’s telephone at Mitac in early morning to beg her.
On January 13, 1998, was my birthday in the Chinese lunar calendar of January, the 23rd, my ex-girlfriend bought a package of Durex condom, saying that she would make that a gift to me and practicing with me how to use condom, like we were both in her high school class. I made an action to ram her in her bed without using that condom she gave me, it was hard that during the period I was with my intake of the Risperdal prescription drug, affecting physically and psychologically, she cried out for hurt after that one attempt to ram and I backed off. Several days later on February 2, 1998 was the Chinese New Year, we made a trip to Taichung and Kaohsiung with my ex-girlfriend’s sister and her husband, where we met the movie star Ms. Chiu Shu-Chen and her fourteen years old daughter Ms. Liao Yu-Wen at Kaohsiung. There seemed to be another younger twelve years old boy around. Later on February 18 my birthday, my ex-girlfriend offered to have sex with me for the third time. After these several times to have sex, we did not discuss the marriage or anything else. On April 4, 1998 my ex-girlfriend seemed to participate military activity in the National Security Bureau(NSB) on Mt. Yang-Ming, and that day was my high school classmate Tsai’s birthday, a friend my ex-girlfriend made 1996 August in the New York City. Tsai was threatening my ex-girlfriend to have sex with him, saying that she had lured him, therefore she should fulfil the sexual activity with him. Tsai seemed to pay her money after that sexual activity. They did not have any other real relationship engaging after this single exchange on Tsai’s birthday.
My ex-girlfriend later had a quarrel in the NSB gathering with her peers. When she told me about this around 1998 November, she thought that they were all my friends and all of them therefore acting against her in the NSB confronting because of me. Later when I found in her abdomen a clear cut in T-shape scar that she was taken to hospital for operation for the confronting earlier and for the sexual exchange with my classmate Tsai on April 4, without notifying me. As I know, Tsai’s family had been engaged in some kind of subversion lawsuit since we were still in late high school year. Tsai’s father were driving a Lotus Sports Car of luxury class, when I went to find Tsai, they even tried to deceive me with his uncle for mistaking as his father. “We should not trust him, though he was your classmate. We made this deception, one day it would help us to win in the law court.” My ex-girlfriend asked me to part with her in November 1998. She gave me an additional Christmas night staying in the China Trust Hotel, for our previous 1997 Christmas Eve I was wearing my black underwear bought from New York City, not taking off with her, promising first night would be in the wedding day, but she did not accept that idea.
On April 18, 2000, more than a year since we parted in 1998 Christmas, she brought to Mitac for me with a black necktie, a French Givenchy wallet and a key ring with “David Kawikka” letters on it. She told me that she bought them from Hawaii to be my birthday gift, though my birthday had passed. The Givenchy wallet was triggered a dialogue, that was from Mr Sarkozy, saying that Givenchy was owned by him.
On November 24, 2005, my university classmate Liu approaching Tsai, who was with my ex-girlfriend, making sexual interchange with my ex-girlfriend by talking to Tsai with prying words that he knew what Tsai and my ex-girlfriend did on April 4, 1998 and he would “testifying it in military style.” After Liu and my ex-girlfriend having that sexual activity, Liu told Tsai that he would make himself the same status with Tsai, “Since we were both David’s ‘best friend’ in your Jianguo high school and in our National Chiao Tung University(NCTU), we were equal now.”
The Chiayi elders would notify me with this. The 1993 military police sergeant which was subordinated to me, Mr Hong Xiu-Bao, in 2000 came into the Mitac company where I had begged my ex-girlfriend to stay with me. Mr Hong bumped into my seat in Mitac and said to me that, “Platoon leader(Bai aide), you got looked down by others. You did not cope with your girlfriend’s affairs(with your classmate.)” But Mr Hong did not give much respect to me. He told others that he could see that I was with the influence of intake of Risperdal prescription drug. Several years later, maybe in 2005 or maybe in 2008, Mr Hong seemed to be executed for some weird reasons at Chiayi, the city where he was born. The other Chiayi elders such as Formosa Wang Yung-Ching and Nan-Kang Tire Mr Chen Wei-Tao, ever mentioned this stuff to me. Wang first in 2000 when I was in Mitac, said that he was not comfortable with my senior Mr Kevin Chang in the company, but later around 2008 he said to others that he could not make out exactly which one he earlier referred to, “since they were all David’s classmates, they looked all the same.” Mr Chen Wei-Tao said to me that my ex-girlfriend was with Mr Chen Teng-Long, one Mt. Yang-Ming resident, hinted someone else, “and that stuff would need to cope with by yourself.” Later on December 15, 2010, Wang passed away at age 95 in USA at New Jersey hospital, he would release news such that he was Taipei county Hsin-Tien citizen, not Chiayi citizen. And in the same way that Mr Chen Wei-Tao would say that he would be Nan Kang Chen, not Chiayi Chen. That could be a hint that they would not be with me if I would not take care of what they mentioned to me of my ex-girlfriend’s affairs. That seemed to be from the USA of Mr Percy’s words saying that he would not be with them if they could not resolve the stuff they mentioned to me.
On the day November 24, 2005 Liu was approaching Tsai and my ex-girlfriend to have sex after threatening Tsai and my ex-girlfriend. Later in 2010 December Liu used the agency money to purchase the 85-degree Cafe and Bubble Tea Drink Shop near my house, just after Formosa Wang’s death on December 15, 2010. I had been buying in the Bubble Tea Drink Shop for some lemonade drinks several times, but somehow in 2011 July my mother saw I left the drink package cup in the garbage can she banned me to buy in that Bubble Tea Drink Shop for that drink was too expensive. But Liu anonymously threatening that if I declined to buy (both in the 85-degree Cafe and the Bubble Tea Drink Shop), he would file a lawsuit for discrimination against me. Later it turned out that the libel lawsuit against me without any necessary legal elements to consist, lasting for a year, which began on December 29, 2011, together with 2011 June the Holland agent Julia Kirby arguing that her elder sister’s death at hospital could be attributed to me who was dwelling in Taipei County and patronized the Starbucks Coffee, the lawsuit haven’t been settled down until now for more than a year. You know what, it was just boloney to think that you would get justice from the establishment within which there were so-called law people presided.
DB, January 2, 2013