
draft 2  



draft20120308, NTUH Psychiatric Clinic national identity invalidating case(1997 United Daily News). Continue from draft20120305, NTUH Psychiatric Clinic national identity invalidating case(1997 United Daily News).


Date: 100/03/11 @ 11:45 To: Judicial Yuan TITLE: National Taiwan University Hospital(NTUH) Psychiatric Clinic national identity invalidating case(1997 United Daily News)
Dear Chief Justice Mr Hao-Ming Rai:

...When I was junior year in National Chiao Tung University(NCTU), my classmate Mr Sean Jiang came to ask me about the reason why university president Mr Ruan Da-Nian being oust from the president office. I did not answer Sean Jiang's question, however within the university I did get informed that President Lee Teng-hui told his visiting Japanese friend about the later 1993 Military Police Academy principal Lee Da-peng, when NCTU student Mr David Chang years ago just entered Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School, Wang(Lee) Da-peng was appointed by him to serve as the principal of the high school because he was Japanese and Taiwanese bilingual. Former President Lee Teng-hui excitingly told Mr Wang(Lee) Da-peng that "The world must be our Taiwanese in the future." Later when talking with friends, Mr Wang(Lee) Da-peng taunted that president Lee so foolish to say the words to him because president Lee did not know that he was a "Wye-Sheng-Zen", not a Taiwanese. When he later met Mr President Lee Teng-hui he straightly told Mr Lee the same words, that he was a "Wye-Sheng-Zen", not a Taiwanese. The former president Lee Teng-hui was embarrassed by him, then told his Japanese friend about this thing(with reporting files kept). When 1989 I passed the National Chiao Tung University(NCTU) entrance examination and the three months short-term military training in Taichung Cheng-gong-ling military camp, came back to Hsinchu City to register the university, it was said that Mr Wang(Lee) Da-peng told the newly succeeded president Lee Teng-hui that the presidential privilege was including appointing the university president, also at the same time he signed an official document of the president appointing to former president Lee. The former president Mr Lee Teng-hui complained that Wang(Lee) Da-peng gave an impression that he was not an educated person with a ferocious looking, he recommended himself again to be the university president(besides Jianguo high school principal post, seemed to be selected by late president Chiang while president Lee was not aware), he would surely be denounced by the educational circles. In spite of this, the former president Lee approved the official appointing document submitted to find out that the proposal was to appoint another candidate of the Harvard Law School graduated Mr Ruan Da-nian, fitting the university president post was just appropriate, though. In 1992 when the USA 42nd President Mr Bill Clinton took the oath in the White House, he could be reviewing a file reported by Japanese official to the US about the NCTU president or Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School principal's appointing case, the US 42nd President Mr Bill Clinton had promised to transform Taiwan to democratic style government system and the university as well, he told president Lee to oust the NCTU president Ruan Da-nian, in spite that he was a Harvard University Law School alumni, the succeeded university presidents were Mr Kuo Nan-hong, Mr Chang Jiang-bang, and Mr Deng Qui-fu when I graduated in 1993. Why my classmate Sean Jiang asked me about the oust of president Mr Ruan Da-nian, probably because one thing had not been confirmed that Mr Ruan Da-nian was a teacher in Chiayi county Mei-ling elementary school, when my teacher mother Mrs Wu Yee-shing was also teaching in that elementary school in 1969. The USA sergeant Ms Eva Ivory who was dropped dead on August 14, 1994 Taipei City, had kept a document of my grandfather Mr Chang Mo's death military army hospital in Kaohsiung to claim a civil rights case of "Death cases investigation of her grandfather and David Chang's grandfather to be named with Taiwan 228 Massacre." During the week US Sergeant Eva Ivory had just died, the former president Lee Teng-hui explained to Taiwan judicial and the US investigating authority that the Military Police Marshal Mr Cao Wen-sheng was not selected from the National Chiao Tung University of president Ruan Da-nian by him, but was selected by then National Defense Minister Mr Chen Li-An who was also a Harvard University alumni. President Lee Teng-hui further explained that in 1984 when David Chang's grandfather died in Kaohsiung Army Hospital, Mr Ruan Da-nian was ranked and served as captain of the Hospital Guard Company. Then the National Chiao Tung University(NCTU) which Mr Ruan Da-nian served as president had a Lieutenant General Director Office, ranked higher than the Major General instructor, therefore Mr Ruan Da-nian was hired by the Military Police Corps to be Provost Marshal like airborne from outside organization NCTU university to be ranked the same of university general director as Lieutenant General military police officer Marshal. Meanwhile, a super rich man who lived in luxury mansion district of Mt Yang Ming, as far as I know was named as Mr Chen, aka, Mr Chen Tieng-Long's father, was meeting me at the front door of Sang Chung Military Police Station in spring of 1994, mistaken by the private in my military police company to be assistant commandant, accused and corrected by my company soldier who was the son of real assistant commandant. No sooner than this event happened than I was transferred to support Panchiao Military Police Station by then national defense committee Legislator Mr Chen Shui-bian. Several months later, the authority(probably President Lee) appointed Mr Chen Teng-Long's father to be the Assistant Commandant of Panchiao Military Police Station, until May 31, 1995 president Lee Teng-hui dismissed the military police troops of Panchiao Military Police Station. Most of the military police staffs in Panchiao were not informed this Assistant Commandant officer's appointment, some were still criticizing Mr Chen Teng-Long's father when he showed up in the military police troops gathering occasion and being scolding back. I think the former president Lee Teng-hui was using this personnel decision to clarify the military police Provost Marshal Mr Cao Wen-sheng to be the former NCTU president Mr Ruan Da-nian. Besides, when I declined to sign a military contract to stay in the troops after May 1995, the authority (Legislator Mr Chen Shui-bian) laughed at me that I was obligated to obey national military service law and served 22 months in the troops before dismissed was all in vain, finally being fooling around all my life but actually appeared to be of no difference with these over-privileged, from outside airborne alike top military police officers.

In July, 1996 when I by myself went to the New York City for my business graduate school study at Baruch before dropout, on the 10th floor of Empire State Building, I had not expected that but was meeting the NCTU president Mr Ruan Da-nian, previously had met him once when he was the Lieutenant General Provost Marshal Cao Wen-sheng at the National Assembly Chungshung Building, Mt Yang Ming, an occasion both of us were in military police officer uniform. A group of previous National Cheng-Chi University students had already been there before we arrived at the Empire State Building in July 1996 to be playing an earthquake experience car alike, Taiwan local Leofoo Theme Park amusement entertainment facility. A tourist sight-seeing spot facility, playing with the 3-D interacting movie of pyramid animation to be experienced as an interactive flying tour. When the movie playing to be frozen on the scene looked like a car was turned over on the mountain side, I felt that the NCTU president Mr Ruan Da-nian and those NCCU students, MP 43 reserve officer classmates all were stunned. Finally when the room light lit again and the movie ended, the exit young attendant lady asked me if I like it and would I like to take a seat and experience it again, I was myself alone and would like to answer her by nodding my head to grant it, but being dragged away unexpectedly by the military police reserve officer 43 classmate. I think that was a kind of polygraph testing, trying from the existing memory and personal experiences of these NCCU MP reserve officer 43 classmates and the NCTU president Mr Ruan Da-nian. Therefore they would so eagerly drag me away in July 1996 New York City.

Best Regards, David CK Chang, Citizen of New Taipei City Panchiao District, F121485303,SSN057864042,
March 11, 2011, National Central Library, Taipei City

Translated by DB, March 8, 2012, National Central Library, Taipei City

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