
draft 3  

draft20110701, Some clues about the 1981 RAPC--Page 1. Continue from draft20110630, Some clues about the 1981 RAPC--Page 1. 

Date: 100/02/08 @ 11:23 To: Judicial Yuan
TITLE: Some clues about the 1981 RAPC(Risk Agreement of Possessed Child)--Page 1. Content:Dear Chief Justice Mr Hao-Ming Rai:

...The case of 1996 CUNY Baruch student Mr Chang David suffered political harassment and energy abuse to drop out graduate school, related to a Puerto Rican ethnic orphan who said that she had no given name and therefore she would be Lieutenant Ms. Ivory and was mimicking the tone and language of Sgt. Eva Ivory to talk to Mr Chang David after the USA Sergeant Eva Ivory died on August 14, 1994. She told her audience that this second lieutenant Mr Chang David must love her.(could be movie star Phoebe Cates because David had her picture buying from gift shop) The police was investigating this dead case at the timing. She was a Taiwanese lieutenant officer from the Political Warfare Cadres Academy, a.k.a. Fu Hsing Kang College, the same academy as the dead sergeant Ms Eva Ivory attended at Taiwan. Therefore, this Puerto Rican ethnic Lieutenant Ms Ivory was presumed to be not Sgt. Eva Ivory's sibling sister who was also a contract CIA agent in Mainland China area. The Eva Ivory's sibling faked that she was the dead Sgt. Eva Ivory to investigate her own sibling's 1994 death case in military camps of New York area. From August 1996 through Mr Chang David was dropped out Baruch College to the days that Mr David was working at Taipei, there were complaints of the faked sergeant Eva Ivory investigating them from the rich circle of New York area.

The Puerto Rican ethnic Lieutenant Ms Ivory in July and August of 1996, was observing New York City areas from Taipei City the NSB(National Security Bureau) operating control room. It was on August 4th 1996 when Mr Chang David with his student F1-Visa of CUNY Baruch, buying an IBM notebook personal computer from the retail store on the Fifth Avenue, the operator crew members of Taipei NSB Control Room were too excited to use that broadcasting channel to chat in the retail stores on the Fifth Avenue. When it was intercepted and intervened by Counterintelligence(CI) Center(similar to UK MI5 organization) of New York City, the Puerto Rican orphan was encouraged by her NSB colleagues in the NSB control room to explain to the New York City Counterintelligence(CI) Center operators that she was an American Lieutenant Officer at Taiwan. The CI operator in New York City accessed to the information of that Taiwanese Puerto Rican ethnic lieutenant Ms. Ivory, rejected online by saying that Lieutenant Ivory was only an orphan in Taiwan, not an American military officer. It was notified that on the very day(August 4, 1996) the NSB put a second lieutenant officer of ethnic ABC(American Born Chinese) to death who was on duty in the control room. The previous month in July 1996, the Taipei City mayor-elect Mr Chen Shu-bian with his young son flied to Washington DC via NYC JFK Airport to find the White House aides to negotiate the signature issue of his mistaken CIA contract. Mr Mayor-elect S.B. Chen was rejected by the authority of White House(probably by the President Clinton, as it was notified). Mr Chen Sui-bian returned to Taipei City on August 5 or August 7 to report to his mayor post, he quickly issued a revenge military order for the executed NSB ethnic ABC(American Born Chinese) as the former National Defense Committee legislator for the previous hacking into USA New York area upon the former second lieutenant military police officer Mr David Chang who was at the moment in New York City for his graduate school study. This military revenge order resulted to my (Mr Chang David's) grandmother Mrs Chang Wang-me on August 9, 1996 died of medical gross negligence at Taipei Veteran General Hospital on the observing of Ms Chen Chu coming to Taipei from Chang-hua County Special Attack Team Base on the early morning...

Best Regards, David CK Chang, Citizen of New Taipei City Panchiao District, F121485303,SSN057864042, February 8, 2011, National Central Library, Taipei City

(Continued)Translated by DB, July 1, 2011, National Central Library, Taipei City


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