judicial yuan  

Date: 2013 April 30; 102/04/30 @ 14:27
To: New Taipei District Court submitting to Supreme Court
Name: David CK Chang
Email: chaokai_chang@hotmail.com
Telephone: 29550553

Title: Detail background information about pleading to ombudsman Mr Wang Chien-shien of Control Yuan for impeachment of Judicial Yuan violating citizen Constitutional rights in district court libel case

Honorable Supreme Court Chief Justice Mr Yang Ding-Zhang:

Without any necessary legal consisting elements, New Taipei District Court Case Number 101 Savant Yi 2318 Libel criminal case had been sued by Breeze Center Mr Liao Cheng-Han for more than one year against privy Mr David CK Chang, me, began on December 29, 2011, the New Taipei City Criminal Police Squad violating ROC Constitution Article 8th of habeas corpus constitutional rights of citizen, arrested the privy Mr David CK Chang, me, from home at No. 204 ChungHsio Road, Banciao District, New Taipei City, for the reason of Breeze Center Mr Liao Cheng-han sued a libel case against the privy because the privy had posted an article on Yahoo website personal blog. Firstly, the libel case was sued without lawful plaintiff because the Breeze Center Mr Liao Cheng-Han had died on March 17, 2008 and this criminal case shall be sued by only the libel case victim himself according to the criminal code mandated. The death certificate of plaintiff Mr Liao Cheng-Han in 2008 was applied by the former Air Force Commander Chen Zhaomin from Pentagon, USA. In 2008 Commander Chen Zhaomin went to the United States and visiting the Pentagon, in person proceeding the paper works of documents of the death of Mr Liao Cheng-Han, the former Black Cat flying pilot. Secondly, the privy’s Yahoo website article was serving for the purpose of detective investigation and written form testifying to death criminal case of Ms Chiu Shu-Chen on July 13, 2004 being raped, killed, chopped into pieces, and thrown into the high seas during military action at Banciao apartment next to the privy Mr David CK Chang’s house, to be a first class brutality of war crime promulgated in November 2004 by Hong Kong and Singapore agents. The New Taipei City Criminal Police department arrested citizen from home and conducting interrogation for ambiguous reasons for a libel case lawsuit against the privy, then transferring the interrogation to the former Banciao District Court Prosecutors Office, now the New Taipei District Court Prosecutors Office, for more than a year went through three investigation courts, tried on August 29, 2012 and January 16, 2013 in criminal court and sentenced guilty on January 31, 2013, although the criminal court judge justified by written form in verdict that “The privy Mr David CK Chang was innocent but should serve for one year as a custodial inmate in adequate institution.” In fact, the penalty sentenced to deprive freedom and the privy has to do time for one year as the inmate of certain custodial house, and that is a de facto guilty sentence. The New Taipei District Court was successively violating the ROC Constitution Article 7th, the Article 8th, and the Article 16th against the privy’s civil rights during this one year of libel criminal lawsuit. Several petition letters pleading for impeachment of Judicial Yuan were filed in electronic document letter form sent to the Control Yuan ombudsman Mr Wang Chien-Shien. The most recent pleading letter for impeachment of the Judicial Yuan violating citizen Constitutional rights was sent three days ago on April 27, 2013.

Last month the privy Mr David CK Chang was staying at the National Central Library, being informed that a law case claiming the land of privy’s private property upon which the privy’s house was built for it was a foreclosed mortgage announced by the USA Federal Law Court in 2000, and bringing it on to the New Taipei District Court Prosecutors Office earlier this March by some foreigner who could be met with the privy in this public library. The object targeted in law court was private property located at No. 204 Chunghsio Road, Banciao District, New Taipei City, where the privy David CK Chang and his family have been dwelling in, which the claiming creditor 2000 in the USA was Shin Kong Bank, in the Federal Law Court claimed that the land was mortgaged with a deed of land by Mr David CK Chang in person to the Shin Kong Bank for several hundred million US dollars, paid in the Las Vega area within some lottery house or Casino. Over 20 Pings, or 900 square feet, the private property located at No. 204 Chunghsio Road Banciao District, New Taipei City, was a farmland bought by the privy David CK Chang’s family in 1978, or Minguo 67th year, with the introduction of Hope Elementary School teacher Mr Lai to the local largest landowner Mrs A-Yuan (or Mrs A-Man) whose land was across Chung-her and Banciao boundary at Taipei County. It was a fragmental farmland which located all within Banciao boundary. As the local government upgraded from Banciao Town to Banciao City, in government administration there were public policy of urban planning and city redistricting in 1978, the fragmental farmland was changed from the farmland district and redistricted to the residential and commercial land district. In 1978, or Minguo 67th year, the privy’s family through familiar constructor Mr Chen built up a five story apartment alone, and in the summer of 1979, moved into the building as the home of household, downstairs was rent for the textile, factory or garment firms. Mr Liao Cheng-Han, the Heyson soda company’s young son and the client of Rose Law Firm in New York and Arkansas, ever registered his residence address at the downstairs without consent of the privy’s family. In 1981 when privy Mr David CK Chang was K-5, elementary fifth-grade at night when privy’s father was not home, the Military Police Special Squads member Mr Li and his colleague, breaking into the household and dropped dead nearby, resulted to disputes in the United Nations of an investigating case and legal actions with the Black Cat pilot Mr Liao Cheng-Han in the U.S. Federal Law Court in New York areas for decades. The break-in in 1981 to the privy’s house caused at least two items being stolen, according to the privy’s father Mr Cheng-Chi Chang reported to the local police station, including the privy’s temple religion blessing gold medal when he was born and a deed of farmland which was invalidated in 1978 or Minguo 67th year being redistricted to residential and commercial districts and re-registered to the government land administration office. The government told privy’s father Mr Cheng-Chi Chang that modern government did not have the convention to issue a deed of land to the citizen. If the citizen registered again to the land administration office for the private property as a residential or a commercial areas household, that would suffice to invalidate the previous stolen deed of farmland document. For this the government head officer assured the privy’s father Mr Chang Cheng-Chi that he need not to worry about the theft deed of farmland document that someday in the future it would to be taken as legal document coming back to claim his private property. Although the deed of farmland was with US Federal Court sentence document as a mortgage certificate to claim to recover the debt, but in fact the privy’s father Mr Cheng-Chi Chang in 1981 had reported to the Taipei County Police Station to be a theft item, belonging to the privy Mr David CK Chang and his family. Hereby, the privy Mr David CK Chang claim to the New Taipei District Court and Prosecutors Office to seize the stolen goods and return it to citizen of New Taipei City and the privy Mr David CK Chang, because the document, a deed of farmland, was a stolen goods reported in 1981 to the police in spite of that it had been an invalidated document since 1978.

Before June 2000 Mr Bill Clinton was still in the White House as US President, the defense of the U.S. federal court was manifested as some Yale University lawyer, signed in law court document as defendant lawyer Mr William Jefferson, have pointed out that the Chinese character in the deed of farmland was in English to be the meaning of agriculture district and thus was an invalid collateral. But at the moment in the United States of America the defendant was an identity theft offender of the privy David CK Chang’s green card identity, a classmate of privy’s Military Police Reserve Officers, Mr Huang, in the federal law court when his Yale lawyer Mr William Jefferson proclaimed that it was puzzling that apparently the defendant acted to be against his own legal interest to forsake the claim of invalidated mortgaged deed of land at Taipei County. The identity theft offender and federal law court defendant Mr Huang no sooner faked death after the federal law court announced verdict and authorized the claiming of the mortgage collateral at Taipei County, (while another identity theft suspect, Mr Ralf Liu, was alleged to be seen in the same federal court but at the moment had not yet been involved with the mortgage collateral fraud case of privy Mr David Chang's family private property at Taipei County in the very federal law court, until months later Mr Ralf Liu was alleged by another federal felony court to be involved with serial killing of Americans then Mr Ralf Liu made his identity theft to fake as the privy to present in court, and was retrospectively referred to the previous federal court together with or instead of Mr Huang). Mr Huang was one of the two military police reserve officers which Ms Chen Chu signed in 1994 to be CIA agents. For many years in the U.S.A. served as the federal government officer and only could be reached in Washington, DC and New York areas through the Defense Controller Officer. The suspect of deed of farmland mortgage collateral fraud case precedent to Mr Huang to conduct an identity theft to the privy Mr David CK Chang's green card identity together with illegal mortgage of a deed of farmland at Taipei county for loans, was alleged to be Mr Wu, the young son of Shin Kong Bank family Mr Wu Dong-Liang and Mr Wu Dong-Jin brothers. Mr Wu was around the same age as the privy Mr David CK Chang. The young son Mr Wu was said to have been killed in a Las Vegas casino or lottery house, after borrowing money from the bank with the theft deed of farmland as mortgage collateral and conducting an identity theft to privy Mr David CK Chang’s green card or passport in order to apply for his own green card of USA permanent residency. Related identity theft cases, including Mr Liu Yan-Liang conducted upon privy Mr David CK Chang’s green card identity to commit a fraud offense to make the privy’s identity confused or presented in the US Federal Law Court when Mr Liu Yan-Liang was involved in a death and treason federal criminal case related to Mrs Virginia Kelly Clinton, the U.S. President Bill Clinton’s mother, who died on August 24, 1994 in Las Vegas areas. Mr Liu Yan-Liang apparently framed the privy Mr David CK Chang to be the suspect to the Federal Treason Criminal Court. Another identity theft committed to confuse or mislead law court was in June or August 2000 when the New York and California Federal Law Courts were proceeding a treason criminal case against suspects who involved in serial killing of American citizens by participating foreign violence organization, and one of the suspects was alleged to be Mr Ralf Liu who presented in the Federal law court and framed the privy Mr David CK Chang by conducting an identity theft offense to the privy’s green card identity. The green card identity being theft and used to be framing the privy in the federal law court was the social security number account SSN057-86-4042, applied around August 26, 1996 from the office Brooklyn Borough Bureau in New York City. The Social Security Number was approved at the office on the very day with a notification of Taipei civil rights case, and at the same time the officer in the Brooklyn bureau was also applying for the privy Mr David CK Chang a green card but it had not been completed because of lacking a birth certificate of the privy. In addition to the Brooklyn Bureau office the privy applied in person for the social security number with the green card, in 2000 Mitac Corps it was notified that the privy’s United Nations Child Abuse Case custodian Mrs Hillary R. Clinton as the United States First Lady applied another permanent residency green card from the bureau of Washington, DC for the privy. The citizen of former Taishan of Taipei County, Mr Ralf Liu, conducted identity theft by using both the social security number of Polytech University student Mr Tan Bo-Wei and the social security number account of privy Mr David CK Chang which was granted in particularly for the Taipei civil rights case. Mr Ralf Liu in New York City was to apply for jobs after August 2, 1996, the current incumbent New York City Mayor Mr Michael Bloomberg and the Meg Ryan sisters of the former Barnes & Noble bookstore clerks, 1996 in New York City were notifying the privy Mr David CK Chang to deal with the identity theft. Mr Michael Bloomberg noticed in September 1996 that Mr Ralf Liu successively conducted identity theft to Tan Bo-Wei’s and the privy’s social security number accounts. As Mr Tan Bo-Wei also applied for work with job application form filled in the social security number but being rejected because Mr Tan Bo-Wei used the social security number account which the privy Mr David CK Chang had registered with the I-20 form to the Department of Education on June 29, 1996 and also it would be effected after August 2, 1996 the school had opened with the City University of New York Baruch Business Graduate School programs began. According to the federal law, the student Visa exchanged from an I-20 form could not be used to apply for jobs as a work visa with I-41 form, therefore Mr Tan Bo-Wei was using the privy’s, my social security number to fill in the job application form while Mr Ralf Liu was filling in Mr Tan Bo-Wei’s social security number for the job application. Because the social security number being conducted identity theft was not of the privy’s, and besides, the City University Business Graduate School business program classes had begun, the privy, me, Mr David CK Chang, did not follow Mr. Bloomberg’s instruction to render investigative assistance in the investigation of Mr Ralf Liu’s identity theft offense. The privy’s mother Mrs Wu Yu-Shing on August 21, 1996 rendered a reconciled settlement by signing a reconciliation agreement upon the August 9th death of her mother-in-law Mrs Wang-Me Chang caused by suffering medical gross negligence in hospital, and received a reconciled payment of one hundred and eighty thousand New Taiwan dollars, but then came the intimidation from the government officials that criminal murder case shall not be reconciled and therefore on August 24, 1996 the privy’s mother Mrs Wu Yu-Shing agreed to change the one hundred and eighty thousand new Taiwan dollars payment from being as the reconciled payment to being as the signing bonus of a military contract, and therefore the privy’s mother Mrs Wu Yu-Shing was to be with a military contract signed, paid signing bonus and subject to governmental military control. This was a fraud case on August 24, 1996 because it was a reconciliation act for the death victim’s relative to sign a reconciled agreement with a reconciled payment that the government had something to do with the lethal gross negligence faults, but the death victim’s relative being threatened and cheated to admit that it was instead a legal act signing a military contract with signing bonus money, and from then on was subject to governmental military control having no say about the unfair treatment of dead relatives. More than ten years the privy’s mother Mrs Wu Yu-Shing after the death of mother-in-law Mrs Wang-Me Chang, successively suffered the bereavement of the death of brother-in-law, Mr Ching-Yuan Chang who died in June 2000, her sister Mrs Yu Jin-Zhi’s death on September 28, 1999 in front of the Presidential Office Building Taipei, nephew Mr Zong-dian Liu’s death on October 10, 1999 in Chiayi Sun Link Sea Resort after trapped in the tour bus await death, sister-in-law (Yu) King Zhi on July 15, 2004 or later during the police inquiry and the judicial investigation killed by medical gross negligence in the hospital, the husband of sister-in-law, Mr Weng Guo-ying was also killed in 2007 during the judicial and police investigation, a total of six relatives have been killed in the form of manslaughter to be as an insult, and also to be an affront to the privy’s mother Mrs Wu Yu-Shing for the fraud of reconciliation to be deceived to become signing a military contract with signing bonus, that she was lacking capability of protecting her own relatives and with the military contract she should take the responsibilities of the death of her six relatives, furthermore was required to die for the lacking of capacity to protect the six death relatives, because that was insulting herself to sign the military contract lacking capability to result to the six deaths of relatives. Actually the money amount NTD$180,000 was paid on August 21, 1996 from reconciliation of death of mother-in-law Mrs Wang-me Chang, but the privy’s mother Mrs Wu Yu-Shing was then threatened and deceived on August 24, 1996 to be taken as the signing bonus money payment from military contract signing. It was to be an advanced fraud, an unfair deed, an illegal deed of bullying, and an infringement of government.

The Privy Mr David CK Chang, me, staying in the public library from the summer of 2004 until this moment, and on December 29, 2011 was arrested by the New Taipei City Criminal Police Squads with the New Taipei District Court, being violated citizen’s constitutional rights, for more than one year during which period through interrogation, trial, conviction and the privy was appealing to higher court as well as pleading impeachment of Judicial Yuan to ombudsman of Control Yuan. The public library the privy Mr David CK Chang was staying in was the National Central Library which located at No. 20 Zhong-shan South Road, Taipei City. Until now, April 30, 2013, the relative harassment from the government has never been stop. Earlier this March, at the National Central Library the privy Mr David CK Chang heard that a lawsuit was filed in the New Taipei District Court Prosecutors Office about the collateral claim which in 2000 the U.S. federal court announced of a piece of verdict paper with a deed of farmland at Taipei County as foreclosed mortgaged collateral. The New Taipei City Criminal Police Squads after the collateral claim lawsuit was filed against the privy in New Taipei District Court Prosecutors Office, came to the Banciao Farmer’s Association to interrogate the privy’s sister Ms Mei-Chi Chang, but it was as matter of fact a harassment to privy’s sister who had passed the qualifying exam to return to the Banqiao Farmers’ Association again after expelled from the institute earlier. This police interrogation was to inquire twelve employees in the Banciao Farmers’ Association. Except for the privy’s sister Ms Mei-Chi Chang, the inquiry at the office with the twelve employees were all questions to do with this government institute, such as whether there was sexual harassment in the Banciao Farmers’ Association, whether there was corruption situation, or whether they had found illegal activities in the Banciao Farmer’s Association, or even a query that if there was a suggestion related to the organization. The exception of the inquiry on April 13 the plainclothes criminal police made was to ask the privy’s sister Ms Mei-Chi Chang only personal questions, about the day before on April 12 that Ms Mei-Chi Chang’s brother Mr David CK Chang, the privy, had posted an article on the Internet titled “Allegation of the McDonald’s involved with money laundering case on campus at National Chiao Tung University, HsinChu City”. The plainclothes interrogated the privy’s sister Ms Mei-Chi Chang and threatening that if Ms Mei-Chi Chang could not stop the privy, her brother, writing those articles and continued posting on the Internet, “we would start another criminal libel case like Breeze Liao Cheng-Han’s lawsuit more than a year ago, and your brother would get a guilty sentence the same as the Breeze Liao’s libel case without fair treatment according to citizen’s constitutional rights.” The plainclothes waited outside until the lunch hours at noon just passed twelve o’clock at noon on April 13, because the employees were fewer in the office of Banciao Farmer’s Association. The two criminal police officers including one signed in 2002 by the former Taipei City Mayor Ma with prosecutor qualification recently, with another plainclothes went into the Farmers’ Association employee’s office and left him to keep a police inquiry record with the twelve employees. The peripheral outside the Farmer’s Association Banciao Office pulled a security crew of members from HsinChu areas. The surveillance area's ranges were covered by the Banqiao Fuchung MRT subway Station and the Family Mart Convenience Store. It was reported from the international Satellite surveillance camera of the presence of McDonald’s money-laundering case suspect, Mr. Chen Mao-yang, identified by unknown people around to call Mr. Chen Mao-Yang’s name loudly in the surveillance range, while the Satellite picture could be with wrongly recorded area name mistaken as Linkuo areas (the marked locations may be mistaken as Linkou Farmers’ Association region). The access privilege to these surveillance pictures of international satellite monitoring camera could be of entry level of confidentiality, as it was manifested at some occasion certain years ago, and the Formosa Satellite could follow it up and take another same content picture when the photo shot was triggered. The highest access privilege permitted on that day was from the former Vice President Annette Lu. The related money laundering criminal case was to do with agency money from the former Secretary of State Mrs Hillary R. Clinton, reported last July after the United States National Day that her agency fee accounts short of USD$70 million, or NTD$200 million dollars. It was alleged that Chicago Agent Colonel David’s young son filed a lawsuit in 2000 at Federal Law Court in California and won, but left the compensation money in the federal court. Ms Shiang-Wen Lu claimed that she was David’s ex-boyfriend, taking back those money, escorted by MP SWAT team with three suitcases of those money from federal law court, hand carrying back to Taiwan, and reported to then Democratic Progressive Party(DPP) Chairman Mr. Chen Shui Bian and deposited in a defense secret account. All the money of USD$70 million, or NTD$ 200 million dollars, excepted the amount deposited in the DPP secret account, most of the money was used by Ms Shiang-Wen Lu spent in various purposes, including agency fees spent on the Giraffe English Institute located on Chunghsio Road, Banciao District, New Taipei City. The DPP party member and the privy’s relative Mr Chia-ling Chang received two million or 10 million New Taiwan dollars by signing the privy’s name Mr Chaokai Chang on the receipt to withdraw a sum of money from the secret account of DPP. Then Mr Chen Mao-yang, also of a DPP party member, also mimicked privy’s name Chaokai Chang repeatedly and signed on the receipt to fetch for several times for an amount of tens of millions of New Taiwan dollars from that DPP secret account, and conducting money laundering to transfer the money to the National Chiao Tung University campus, opened the McDonald’s on campus in 2012. The illegal profit generated from McDonald’s at NCTU on campus was alleged to be reached one hundred million New Taiwan dollars in revenue for one year more until this moment, and the suspect Mr Chen Mao-yang could have sold back his McDonald’s shares to Mr Terence Tsai who had sued a Taipei citizen David CK Chang appropriation lawsuit earlier in court to be a completed cycle of the money laundering. The related lawsuit of the libel case of Breeze Center Mr Liao Cheng-Han sued against privy Mr David CK Chang, it had been previously notified the privy to be an appropriation case filed against the privy Mr David CK Chang by Mr Terence Tsai alleging a man called Mr Chaokai Chang of Taipei citizen with his signature to embezzle agency money for NTD$ 2 million or 20 million dollars and would not return the money. As we all know that according to Money Laundering Control Act, which money generated from certain specific crimes is closely monitored by law enforcement officers sponsored by the banking and financial sector, the financial transaction with proceeds monitored and should be updated for a half-day or one day base report. For what the law convention mandates and how the financial agents enforce the Money Laundering Control Act related regulations, the privy Mr David CK Chang being framed with only several faked signatures and alleged appropriation of agency money from Mrs Hillary R. Clinton’s agency money reported last July, without any chance to justify or even to know why the privy would be jailed or put into custodial house for institutionalization, it’s so preposterous the District Court or the Prosecutor’s Office had never notified the privy of anything about these framed allegations and had that one year custodial sentence done with the absurd libel case of Breeze Center Mr Liao Cheng-Han.

Respectfully yours,

David CK Chang,
F121485303, SSN057-86-4042,
Citizen of New Taipei City,
Apr 30, 2013,
National Central Library,
Taipei City


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